Total number of papers evolution (Conferences and Journals)


“Livre-Docência” Thesis, 2005
Modelagem e Análise Aeroelástica não Linear e Estruturas Aeronáuticas Inteligentes
(Nonlinear Aeroelastic Modeling and Analysis and Intelligent Aeronautical Structures)
Engineering School of São Carlos, USP, 2005 (in portuguese)

Ph.D. Thesis, 1997
Multi-Layer Functional Approximation of Non-Linear Unsteady Aerodynamic Response
Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 1997

M.Sc. Dissertation, 1993
Controle de Vibrações em uma Pá de Helicóptero
(Vibration Control in a Helicopter Blade)
Engineering School of São Carlos, USP, 1993 (in portuguese)

Journal papers and Book Chapters (click here)

Presentations (click here)

For complete list of Dr. Marques’ publications, please access his CNPq Lattes CV (click here).